Mike Devour writes:
> Hello Vincent! You just saw the perfect example of why we *never*
> spout absolutes in this forum. Well, maybe not *never!* <GRIN>
> There is so much diversity of experience among our members that 
> there will be exceptions to nearly every assumption you can make.

     What may have come across as pontification re the combination of CS
and antibiotics was actually an effort to keep things simple and
straightforward for people who may not have a lot of time on their hands to
mull over technical matters.  CS does not negate any of the usual
antibiotics by any of the known routes by which antibiotic work.  But, all
prescription antibiotics have a plethora of unwanted side effects. 
Likewise, all the transition metals (even CS) have unwanted effects in high
dosages.  These unwanted effects can be compounded.  
     I do not have strong biases pro or con CS.  But laying cards on the
table--pro:  It would be wonderful to have a simple natural antibiotic
without significant side effects that can be kept forever in the hands of
the people and forever out of the hands of the pharmaceutical giants and
the FDA.  And, con:  The existence of CS antedates the sulfa drugs and
penicillin.  It did nothing that I know of to help in the flu epidemic of
1918, nor did it help in syphilis, TB, and polio.

    I don't want to confuse issues by discussing antibiotics and
antiseptics in the same message, but Ag is very effective as such.  I've
seen AgNO3 used to irrigate an infected thorasic cavity after coronary
bypass surgery.  So many of the other antiseptics that have been in common
use are very very harmful--ortho phenylphenol which was used in Lysol, not
to mention all the quaternary ammonium compounds that are now used with so
little concern.  There are other everyday chemicals in common use I suspect
cause enormous harm, but it would be not be sensible to discuss them
without serious proof--not when major industries would be harmed and
perhaps unfairly.  

     I would like to see the whole pharmaceutical industry wither away for
the simple reason that their patent medicines aren't need or wanted.  But
can that happen when the profits are so addictive?  All of allopathic
medicine came together last century for simple purpose of quashing their
homeopathic and botanic low-dollar competitors.  

     Ask yourself if it is in the interest of the pharmaceutical giants to
cure you at a reasonable price, or keep you paying through the nose
forever.  Ask yourself if it is in the interest of those who mind the
government coffers for you to live forever in perfect health collecting
those benefits, or is it in their interest for you to keel over at age 65. 
I would not be surprised to learn that the government and the
pharmaceutical industry are toying around with chronic diseases of the
future to protect themselves against the nightmarish  eventuality that
everyone has learned to wipe out their own cancer, heart disease, &c..  On
the other hand that would be a perfect excuse to raise the allowable
amounts on all the carcinogens in our food, air, and water. 

    Lets keep our fingers crossed that natural antibiotics such as CS and
usnea will prove their mettle in the political-economic healthcare wars to

Vincent Gammill

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