> >> There was some discussion of whether or not CS & antibiotics cancel
> >other out.  Did this question ever get answered definitively?
> >Shelly,
> >     CS and antibiotics do not cancel each other out.  This is
> >You can take it to the bank.
> <SNIP>
> >Vincent Gammill
>    Sorry to prove you wrong but it "did" cancel out the effects of the 
> antibotics in me and I had to quit taking the CS. The way that I know is
> the antibotics that I take give me energy and wake me up plus other
> With out them I sleep all the time. After about 2 weeks I started going
> hill and the antibotics wasn't working any more. About 2-3 days after I
> the CS they started working again. Some people haven't had problems with 
> mixing the two and I think that it makes a difference in the type of
> that the person is taking. Myself I was on floxin and zithromax at the
> Take Care 
 > Reid

     There are lots of possible explanations.  You say acidophillus cause
intestinal bleeding in you?  Gasto-intestinal disturbances are the most
frequently reported adverse affects of zithromax.  You are concurrently
using the EMEM-2?  What other meds, diet changes, electrobiophysical
experimentations are you doing?  Floxin and Zithromax have somewhat
overlapping toxicities to the kidneys.  25% of Floxin is bound to plasma
protein.  Ag precipitates plasma protein.  The normal dose for Zithromax is
one day.  Occassionally it is give 3 or even 4 days.  Thats pushing it. 
One patient took it for nine days and suffered irreversible renal failure
(Mansoor GA,et al. Azithromycin-induced acute interstitial nephritis.  Ann
Intern Med 1993; 119: 636-7).  Perhaps you were experiencing a "die-off
rxn"?   Did you run any tests (liver function, kidney function, blood chem,
stools) to zero in on what is really going on?  
     Reid, I'd have to see something more than energy levels in one person.
 I've seen nothing in the literature as to an interaction of any antibiotic
and CS, nor can I think I think up a plausible counteraction.  On the other
hand, in many cases they may work in an additive fashion.  I am not an
apologist for CS and don't sell it.  My comments are intended in a
constructive spirit.



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