Genny and List,

Colliodal Copper is considered toxic to humans when taken in large
amounts. But for plants I would like to hear something tested on that
subject. We have entire farms effected by leaf molds which CS has a
great effect on but some of the different types it only slows the
progression. I will attempt to make some myself....I have a peach tree
being destroyed by this mold and if this does the trick we could be on
to something here!~ Getting away from the toxic chemicals Dow and others
create for our environment and the slow poisoning of our water supplies
as well as our selves has always been a concern for anyone who handles
them. Would it not be strange to find another useful tool from this
group which can help a food supply...even our own?


Zeigler, Virginia A. x1969 wrote:
> Hi, Everyone!
> Here in Virginia just about everything we try to grow is attacked by one
> sort of fungus or another (not to mention japanese beetles etc.).  We
> end up buying all sorts of fungicides and insecticides, which nobody
> wants to handle because of how toxic they are to humans and animals.
> I am excited about the prospect of using some CS as a foliar spray on my
> tomatoes, grapes, roses etc.  I have some powdered copper, which is
> supposed to be an effective fungacide, but which plugs up the sprayer &
> is otherwise messy enough that noone bothers to use it....I wonder if
> colloidal copper might not be more useful.  Just a thought....
> Also, I wonder if the CS would kill the nematodes (not the beneficial
> nematodes which kill grubs in the lawn) which ruin carrots and raise
> havoc with the roots of other plants???
> Ginny
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