> Donna, 
>> My herx is back and is worse than ever.  The last 2 evenings the pain has
>> extreme. Do the herx return because of the life cycle of the bugs?  I
will try
>> to increase the strength of the CS through some of your suggestions.How long
>> to do you cook the CS and how much do your cook at one time? 
>> Cathryn

  The pain and the herx seem to occur every time there is a build up of
toxins in the system.  I also have mine back but it is not as bad as the
first extreme one.  I am hoping it won't get much worse.  Hang in there, I
know it is hard to believe that this is a good thing that you feel so bad.
Remember the CS can reach into place the anitbiotics can't, at least so it
seems, I am not a doc.  If you are in pain now wait alittle while to
increase, try to do it around every two weeks.  As for how long I cook it, I
start with about 3 cups and it usually runs about 2 1/2 to 3 hours.  I have
been using the TDS-1 to watch the ppm reading so I can keep it pretty
consistent.  If Candace reads this she can tell you herself how bad her herx
was.  I think she has been off of CS now for quite a few months and can
truly say that her lyme is gone.  Let's hope that is us soon.  What type of
pain are you having?  Right now I am having stabbing pains in the arms and
legs, a bit tired, and alittle moody.

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