Cathryn said:
 The pain is throbbing continuously in my legs (mostly lower) and
>forearms and the tops of my hands. I am also still having twitches in my legs
>that feels like a nerve thing. My throat is kind of sore but not like a real
>sore throat.  Neck is stiff and I have a dull headache.  I am back to sleeping
>alot due to the fatigue.


I feel really bad to keep hearing this.  This is what I do for Herx whixh I
nearly killed myself with once.
I use:
Digestive enzymes on an empty stomack--they go through the body and "eat
up" trash like toxins and immune complexes--this is well documented now.  I
have done this for ten years--that's how many times I have had herx for
Candida and whatever else.  I take Mega Zyme by Enzymatic Therapy and 5 at
once then 20-30 mins later 5 more.  This WILL diminish your muscle pain and
the twitching.  You can continue until relieved, or sick to your stomach.
The enzymes have worked as well or better than morphine.

Molybdenum--250mcgms once to start aned then again amazing results

alacer Emergen-C 2000mgms of vit C minerals stir into liquid fizzes,
contiunue with the above upto whatever you can tolerate.

Water in massive amounts.

Soda water--Club soda read the label some have bicarbonate of soda in them
and are great over ice when you are feeling so bad.

COQ10 100 mgms 2-3X pewr day.

Grape seed extract--the capsule 100mgms 2-3-4 times a day, or 2 at once
with the enzymes for pain.  You can also add the COQ 10 with it and it all
workd together.

Other antioxidants as you feel able or have on hand.

You are probably saying right!?  I'm so sick I can't even see and this
woman is telling me to do all this stuff or even get it.----

Get someone to help you.  OR  When you are feeling better get these things
and keep them on hand so that you won't be with out. when you are sick.  I
live alone so I have to be prepared especially when I know the results of
what I am doing are more than likely going to cause me to herx!!!!!!

You can take bicarbonate of soda now if you have some in a glass of water
to help alkalinate the reaction.  When you Herx you become more acid due to
lots of factors not only just the toxins in your system.  Your body is also
producing catecholamines as a result of the insult these lead to
inflammation of everything that can become inflamed.  The problem here is
that not properly taken care of this can become a cycle in itself.  The
enzymes will reduce the catecxholamines also.

Hope this helps and your suffering eases soon.

Life is Fragile. Handle with Prayer

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