I think that I need to increase the CS based on what I have been reading.
What is the gadget you use to read the PPM?  I am not familiar with this.  Do
you make your CS using a few drops of a saline solution with the distilled
water also?  The pain is throbbing continuously in my legs (mostly lower) and
forearms and the tops of my hands. I am also still having twitches in my legs
that feels like a nerve thing. My throat is kind of sore but not like a real
sore throat.  Neck is stiff and I have a dull headache.  I am back to sleeping
alot due to the fatigue.

The doc. today still said that he cannot say it is or is not lymes.  He
brought up the idea of getting evaluated for chronic fatigue but says that
sometimes it is overdiagnosed and really another illness that gets
misdiagnosed.  I made an appt. with the doc. for Monday.  I have had the one
pos. lymes test and 2 neg. 

I felt so much better last week.  I thought I was on the mend.  This is most

Thanks for any ideas or thoughts.

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