Thanks Wendy I'd forgotten all about whooping cough although I should
have remembered it as I can remember it giving me a very hard time as
a child. As I'm now well into my 60's I guess any immunity this bout
could have given me would have long since worn off.

Thanks also for the url's - very interesting reading and worth  keeping
on file.

I think my zinc and selenium levels are ok but I will certainly see
about taking some good doses of ascorbic acid and vit, A to see it
this will help.

Cheers, Roger B

On 18 Apr, 2007, at 1:09 AM, Wendy wrote:

As I read this I am wondering if you ever considered whooping cough??? If you google whooping cough on the rise or whooping cough outbreaks or whooping cough misdiagnosed you will find a plethora of information.