Yikes...this method gave me a terrible earache.  It was too harsh for me.

<< I pour full strength hydrogen peroxide and let it bubble for a few minutes
 and then I "rinse" with alcohol--for the drying effect.  This is what I did
 for the kids' ears when then were swimming 16 hours a day as youngsters.
 It works real well. >>

I would be careful of doing too many different remedies at one time.  If the 
garlic oil treatment doesn't work, you might try 10 drops of goldenseal 
tincture mixed with 1/4 cup hot water (to burn off the alcohol), cooled to 
warm.  Goldenseal kills yeast and bacteria...   Hard to imagine the CS isn't 
doing the trick for her, but this is a backup.  I wonder also about using 
grapefruit seed extract tincture...but this would be an experiment.

One thing important to prevent earaches for me is to dry my ears IMMEDIATELY 
after showering with Q-tips.  (Several other brands I tried skimp on the 
cotton, and scraped the ear canal enough to cause minor abrasions which 
became infections.)  I have candida, and this is the only thing that stopped 
me from getting chronic ear infections.  My theory is that drying the ears 
prevents the candida from happily nesting.   

Best wishes,

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