> At 10:14 AM 6/29/99 EDT, you wrote:
> My neighbor has a fungus in her ear.  She's been unable to
> hear for about a week.  She is putting CS in it but hasn't
> helped.  Ant suggestions??

> edith,

> I pour full strength hydrogen peroxide and let it bubble for
> a few minutes and then I "rinse" with alcohol--for the drying
> effect.  This is what I did for the kids' ears when then were
> swimming 16 hours a day as youngsters. It works real well.  I
> don't think a doc would recommend full strength anything
> but---  I actually learned this as a child when I had a bad
> ear infection that nearly got me systemically.  The doc (in
> the early 50's) had my mom doing this several times a day.

Depending on what exactly you mean by 'full strength',
this could be very dangerous advice. Putting 'full
strength' 3% store bought peroxide is fine, but putting
'sull strength' 35% food grade could seriously damage
the inner ear.

Personally, I would only use food grade, which has been
diluted to 3-5% for the ear. At this strength, it is an
excellent way to cleanse the ear, but shouldn't be done
very often, as it will strip the NECESSARY ear wax from
the wall resulting in CHRONIC ear infections/problems.
CS mixed with aloe and/or vegetable glycerin would be a
much better 'regular use' treatment.


Charles Marcus

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