Actually, this brings up a question: I remember reading how when the
first white missionaries went to Hawaii, the natives there died like
flies from measles, chicken pox, etc. (not that flies die from these
things). It was explained in what I read that this was because the
natives had no specific antibodies for these specific diseases, never
before having had these diseases in their society. Assuming this to be
true (although Dr. Carey Reams insisted that the body doesn't create
antibodies for each disease, but healthy bodies have general antibodies
to fight off everything); I say, assuming this to be true, does cs rid
the body of all pathogens? Doesn't that go counter to the idea of
symbiosis (the balance between "good" organisms and "bad" ones)? The
other idea is that we need cs (like we need selenium) for the overall
health of our immune systems. So can we use cs to the point of
unbalancing our metabolisms?

On an aside, the instructions I've read about making cs say to only
store cs in glass (unless it's hvac cs), because the silver reacts to
plastic. But I keep reading of people who put cs in nasal spray
containers, which are made out of soft plastic. What about keeping cs
in glass bottles with plastic tubes in them? Is that risky?
Terry Wayne

--- Ivan Anderson <> wrote:
> > Does this mean that the use of silver killing
> everything else could
> > result in the overgrowth of the above organisms ?
> Todd,
> Perhaps, but that pre-supposes that one is infected
> with these
> organisms in the first place, and gives no role to
> the immune system.
> An overgrowth of any organism must surely be the
> result of a
> compromised internal terrain, for whatever reason.
> As opposed to
> becoming infected, by the introduction of a
> pathogen, through
> ingestion or being bitten by a tick or mosquito,
> etc.
> Ivan
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