Morning Faith,

>> At 11:17 AM 7/23/2007, you wrote:

Hello everyone. Yes, I am guilty of losing articles. I requested information on making colloidal silver. Ode posted wonderful articles about it. gues what? I lost them.

  Of all people, I figured you never loose an article. <grin>

How do you do that ?  It is harder to loose one than it is to keep it.

I have virtually every message Ode has written for a number of years.

Do you want all of them, or just some of them?

Please Ode, would you post the articles again? this time I swear I will not lose them.

If he will grant me permission to make some web pages, you can loose them every day, or 3 times per day. They will always be there for you and everyone else.

If you used the right mailer, I could put them all on a CD in a single mailbox file. Then, you could sort, search, or whatever you want.

Searching by 5 complex criteria at once is nice, if you can do it.
Likely many could not even do that.

Just counted them. I have over 300 messages from Ode in my current mailbox. Likely twice than many in some other older mailboxes.

I have 15,600 messages in this Silver mailbox.

What do you people do with all your hard disk space?
Keep it vacant ?

I have 41 GIG free on this drive and it has thousands or pictures, thousands of MP3's, and all the AutoCad drawings I have ever made, plus many thousands of documents and articles.

In addition, I have a box full of hard drives on a nearby table.
I have a USB, IDE adaptor wheres I can plug up any drive laying on the table and back up data, or back it up to one of several network computers.

Some people just play around with their computer and never get serious I suppose.



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