Another remedy very widely and efficiently used, if available, is anti-lice shampoo (for human use, even though dog anti-fleas/ticks shampoo is eventually used in emergencies).

When a person gets all over its body hundreds or thousands of ticks, the first thing to do is to try to get them out as soon as possible, preferably whole. Not wasting time is important since the possibility to be infected rises in direct proportion to time elapsed after being bit. Shampooing them will also finally kill them, but one has to learn the right timing. Washing the shampoo too early leads to have a few ticks loose, alive and kicking, and the majority still attached, alive and sucking. Of course, using irational methods like shaving them off (it has been done, I tell you...!) can lead to serious trouble.

Using natural greases tremendously difficults their breathing, therefore they try to get off BEFORE they die, even though these tiny monsters are so tremendously stubborn that sometimes they would rather die than let go.

I have never used vaseline, petroleum jelly or any artificial grease, but I can assure you in emergency I would not hesitate to use them if it was the only solution available. Getting one or half a dozen ticks off is a relatively simple matter. If you get them in numbers you can not count, then you are in trouble, even if they are not infected with Lyme, Ehrlichiosis, Tularemia, Babesiosis, Encephalitis or any of the many infernal gifts easily available from them.



From: "Dee " <>
To: <>
Subject: Re: CS>Fw: Non S/C - Tick Removal and Lyme Disease WebSite
Date: Sun, 2 Sep 2007 09:36:46 +0100 (GMT Standard Time)

I think because if it suffocates and dies before it lets go, then the
mouthpiece could conceivably be left in the skin.  Ditto burning it. Dee

-------Original Message-------

From: Sol

Date: 02/09/2007 00:37:19


Subject: Re: CS>Fw: Non S/C - Tick Removal and Lyme Disease WebSite

I've never read WHY NOT to use Vaseline to remove a tick (or a flea).

Anybody know?




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