Thanks for the further information about Magnesium, Dee.  The Phillips Milk of 
magnesia I have been using has only Magnesium and purified water and something 
called sodium hypochloride.  I should look up the hydrochloride part.  I am 
supposed to consume plenty of salt, since my salt levels always test out low.  
I salt my food but do not eat potato chips or any of those things.  I mainly 
eat meat and vegetables and put salt on them.  Will probably stick with the  
present Magnesium until I can check out some of these others.  MMy chiropractor 
says the Milk of magnesia from Philips is probably the best of the drugstore 
variety, unless I would use a truly chelated variety.  The kinds of chelated 
magnesium found in chain stores and drugstores usually isn't really chelated.  
I forget all he said about that.  Ruth<html><div>From Ruth 

Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2007 12:07:59 +0100From: d...@deetroy.orgto: 
silver-l...@eskimo.comsubject: RE: CS>Ruth

I don't know what form milk of magnesia is in Ruth.  I am taking tablets from 
Higher Nature which are pre-digested form which is supposed to be better 
(according to the manufacturers) because they are already in a bioavailable 
form.  I think magnesium chloride is fine though, or citrate, or orotate I 
believe.  Dee 

-------Original Message-------

From: ruth strackbein
Date: 10/10/2007 22:13:44
Subject: RE: CS>Ruth
 Hi, Dee,  I really was behind on replies!  I am wondering what kind of 
magnesium you are using.  There have been some interesting  messages about 
magnesium chloride recently.  I am using a tablespoon of Milk of Magnesia 3 
times a day, sometimes two tablespoons at one of the 3 times.  Also take a 
stool softener.  I think that the stool softener bothers my upper problems , 
though. Am debating about whether or not to try a different form of magnesia.  
I am also concerned about whether or not the magnesium may upset the balance 
between calcium and magnesium in my system.  Had my calcium tested a couple of 
weeks ago and it was normal.  However, I was not given the figures, only told 
it was normal.  And so often, as with the thyroid things, what is listed as 
normal is really at the edge of being too low.Come to think of it, the Dr. did 
say it was on the edge of being too high.  My faulty memory.  There are just 
too many aspects of the various possible treatments.  I will be interested in 
hearing how you fare on the magnesium treatment.  Thanks, Ruth<html><div>From 
Ruth Strackbein</div></html>

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