sorry to hear about your dad. by the way, I doubt that all vaccines are dead, and I would challenge them to show me the paperwork on it. I have been flat out lied to beofre.

On Oct 12, 2007, at 7:00 AM, Dianne France wrote:

My Dad was born in 1923 and was given live polio vaccine at age five and caught the disease from the live vaccine.  They had a terrible time stopping it's progression on one side of his body and it finally stopped just short of it's rise to his heart.  His one leg was shriveled and they said he would never walk again.  Fortunately my father was an extremely determined individual and did walk and competed in some sports.  His one leg was almost two inches shorter than the other and due to the times wore out his back because life shoes were not available.  During WWII he tried to enlist three times before being accepted and was a control tower operator. 
Long story short he fought cancer hard since 1981 surviving many different forms.  He lost part of a lung to one type, part of his back to another, and part of an ear to yet another form.  He finally was unsuccessful in his last fight and died two years ago to a flat blonde mole that was cancerous.  What you said about vaccines and cancers had never connected in my mind.  Is there more correlation between live vaccine and cancer than there is with the supposed dead vaccine they give today? 

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