I can agree with that statement concerning the "structure of the FDA" [who does what and how it's funded definitely needs a work over] but the people who work there, are just like anyone else..NOT a pack of Devils, but people working within the constrains of a faulty structure and doing the best they can with what they have to work with. EVERY group has an element of corruption.....haven't seen a church or bridge club yet, that didn't.

With that, comes considering alternatives and the fallout from what it takes to accomplish them. Without that consideration , you get Tyranny...swings toward simplistic absolutes that none of us will like the restrictive results of, nor can pay for.

"This sucks..go control THEM"   Always winds up controlling YOU.
Are we to be trusted to police ourselves any more than the Pharm or the farm?
Isn't that why an attempt was made to get a handle on safety to start with?
OK, so it doesn't work very well....so what... NOW ?

 Careful what you wish for.
If it's not thought though, it'll be your worse nightmare, worse than this merely bad dream.

Imagine what it would take to prevent a simple e-coli outbreak.
Can you say "invasive" continual interruptions of operations and millions of inspectors? As it is, if 5 people get sick, thousands of tons of lettuce hits the landfill and whole meat packing companies recall themselves out of business..."voluntarily", under mere threat of an FDA edict. No business, no employees. There's just no way to track were a deer may have gone or watch every piece of meat from the hoof to the shelf.
It's not just "China"...it's here and everywhere.
 Always has been, always will be.

Who is going to pay all those millions of inspectors?
 You?      With the same incentive to corrupt as many as possible?

Lead in paint? When was the last time anyone even thought about that here?? 50 years ago, no one here thought about it at all. Why would China, with a pollutant laden industrial structure that's similar to ours 50 years ago?
 Is it a wonder that no one thought to check?
What happened when they did? MASSIVE recalls. Billions down a big black hole.
 You can bet China is thinking about it now.
Checking themselves would have been a LOT cheaper, but, even knowing that... they didn't.
 You suppose that was "on purpose" ???

If the police are to "prevent" almost any crime, you would have a cop looking over every shoulder 24/7/365. Every third person would have to be a cop...every 100th cop may be on the take. Are all the police forces corrupt because crimes are committed and there may be a few on the take?
 Who is going to pay all those cops?
 That would be "you" with an incentive to bribe them.
 NOW,  who is the corrupt Devil?

Be glad they don't have the power and enforcement capabilities you think they should. Be glad for the relative chaos, for that gives you ways "around" to take, should you even try.

Security and freedom can't be used in the same sentence and still make any sense.

With absolutes, everything IS ....it's own opposite.
If the abortion issue was about absolutes like "Right to Lifers" insist, every unwanted kid born, automatically makes an anti-abortionist a Mommy or a Daddy...or a hypocrite. I haven't seen any lines forming to accept the responsibility which that absolute sets up.

Get anyone to cover your ass for you, and it's "their" ass to push around..... and you'll be paying them to push it.

Think "balance"
 Balances are FOREVER teetering with the un-fore-seen.

 The consumer has ALL the power over every industry.
That dollar determines what lives and what dies...YOUR dollar... how it's made and how it's spent.
No choice doesn't have consequences and effects.
 Don't like it? Don't buy it....then deal with what happens next.

No one wins a fight, everyone loses something.
Do you want enemies to fight, or friends to help make a change?

Spending time vilifying the very people you are trying to influence the spending and earnings of, probably won't work. Every attack creates its own resistance and self defense. It's a self defeating tactic.

It's about *reason*, not about forcing people just like yourself in another pair of difficult shoes.
So pay close attention to what's reasonable.
Give them that better idea.
You think you'll force them to have it for you?
I think not..

That takes careful consideration...something that *simplistic solutions haters*, seem to be entirely lacking. It takes seeing the big virtually endlessly detailed picture of inevitable interaction.
If that can't be understood, just assume it's there...because it is.
Then assume that NO ONE can see OR understand it...because they can't...and that means you...and me.

You create what you think and experience the averages.
 You get what you give as a reflection of your own projected image.
Which way to you *really* want to tip the balances?

You cannot not *choose* and you cannot not *do*.
Best stop and think?
This....then what?
Everything feedback loops.

Seeing it, doesn't mean it's there....and....not seeing it, doesn't mean it isn't.
What you see shows what's in your head.

 ...looks like lynch mob in there, to me.
With too much of the kind of hate filled company that self helpless misery loves to justify itself with.

Show me how wrong I am.


At 06:01 PM 10/26/2007 -0500, you wrote:

At 02:03 PM 10/26/2007, you wrote:

Ode Coyote, on 10/26/2007 8:29 AM, said the following:
The FDA is not a pack of Devils.

   More than a Pack.  A whole Battalion.

  The article in the Lancet summed it up nicely.

It stated,

"The FDA is so corrupt that it is beyond repair.  It should be


...and then what?


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