The mainstream media, and most of its viewers,  thrive on cheap sensationalism. 
It seems the only time they delve into the morbid details is if the fodder is 
insured fuel for Larry King or Nancy Grace.  If anything, Mr. Smurf will become 
an Icon on what not to do.  Maybe he has a disease or medical condition that is 
aggravated or exasperated  by the use of CS.  But for its passing interest, 
dollars to donuts the true facts of the story will not be pursued or discovered 
by the media. 

Scott <> wrote: I have to agree with Smitty. This guy 
did not use the product correctly, producing some type of silver salts and used 
a lot of it. Smitty is right, there is no way in the world that true CS would 
do this - period. I found the ABC interview rather controversial as the 
gentleman being interviewed says he will continue to use CS but not as much! As 
far as the probable government involvement, they are already are. I remember an 
article released earlier this year or last year stating the EPA would be 
looking into the making and use of CS as a potential "harm" to the ecological 
system. So, I am not surprised as to the coverage by ABC regarding the Argyria 
symptoms this man caused himself. Who knows, this may lead to more interest 
from the public in use of CS. Go figure.

Loving The Silver Life,

Smitty <> wrote: Argyria

(this from the silver-forum, in rebuttal)

Every documented case of Argyria was caused NOT from CS, but from
*other* forms of silver that ARE WELL KNOWN TO CAUSE ARGYRIA.

The only two people that I know of (I don't know anyone personally, but
recall these two from online forums like this one) who exhibited
symptoms of Argyria from 'CS' - in quotes because regardless of the fact
that they *thought* they were using CS, in reality they were *not* - it
turned out they were not using pure water to make their 'CS', but were
deliberately adding electrolytes (sea-salt in one case, concentrace
minerals in the other, if I'm not mistaken) to the water BEFORE making
it - and it is well documented that using water with 'salt' in it will
result in NOT CS, but in silver salt compounds that will, indeed cause


Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..
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