Morning Sol,

Glad to see a logical message now and then.

>> At 10:39 PM 1/21/2008, you wrote:

Tad Winiecki wrote:
.  Anyone else find fewer joint problems on a vegetarian diet?

    What a loaded and bogus Question ?
How many joint problems be the quota today ? One, three, or 99 ? Never had any so I know little about them.

No, quite the reverse. I'm a recovering vegetarian, and having gone back to full scale meat eating,

I have always said, ......... the problem lies in finding enough quality foods, and it is even worse today, and impossible.

  Most cannot balance amino acids, and don't even try.

Wild Animals do it every day. Amazing. But they often eat 100 different foods per day, and more. Biologists have spent 100's of thousands or hours observing their habits. The results are published, and I have read many of them.

It sure appears that the Wild  Animals are smarter than most humans.

I eat little meat, ( all I want ) but eat lots of seeds and nuts. Also take protein supplements and full amino acid products.

>> I just know my body really deteriorated into severe ill health over 30 years of almost constant vegetarianism.

Interesting indeed.  I can only say, ........

Why did it take so long for you to figure that out ?    <grin>
You are lucky to still be alive.



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