Morning Dee,

You did like Day, ..........
Put the quoted text at the distant bottom, ........... worthless for sure

At 07:47 AM 1/22/2008, you wrote:

<> maybe you should read this article Wayne. Dee

>>I wonder where you people get all this bogus and untruthful information?

  So, Now I know where you get it.

  I did read most of the article and scanned the rest.

It is mostly about Frauds of the Food Industry.

I guess the Genius Doctor that wrote it, like you and others, believes all the cholesterol fraud and crap. It mentioned that too much.

If you want to bet your life on one article, go ahead.

The whole article is intermixed with main stream ideas, half truths,
and suggestions that people eat too much soy.  Nothing of value to most of us.

I have always said, .......... Soy as the main source of protein is a disaster, as are other sources.

Dig deep in proteins and amino acids, and you will find,

Milk beats all others, in many tests, .......... hands down, not question about it.

I used to drink a gallon of milk per day, 6 raw eggs, all the soy protein I wanted, desiccated liver, REAL cooked liver, and steaks so big they covered a platter and hung off on some sides.

So, ...... tell me all about protein and amino acids.

I can't be sure, but I think your body chemistry is highly compromised.
So, .......... you likely do not need to eat soy,  and 1000 other things.

Again, along with me, 1,000,000 ( or several million ) more healthy people have eaten tons of soy, usually as supplements, NOT as the main protein source.

Anyone is a fool that has used soy or any other single food as the
only protein source.

