Nearly all vitamins and supplements *are* "processed foods" or worse. 
Well, OK, I take a few myself, but add up the cost of all the
supplements, and you will be spending a fortune.  The eat less / eat
philosophy is better.

Also, using the "follow the money" mantra used by many, Mercola sells an

awful lot of this stuff.  Is he not subject to conflict of interest?  
(Alliteration can be fun...)

I listened to the "Merck scientist" and that is not what he is saying at
He said that he advised against using the serums that were being used
he felt that they might be contaminated with viruses.  That is vastly
than "putting stealth viruses into vaccines which have caused

Also, the gleeful giggling of the interviewers was irritating, and shows
their bias...


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dee [] 
> Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 12:46 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: CS>Soy Products, Some of the Greatest Foods in the World
> Actually, he advocates eating a proper diet all the time and 
> only recommends supplements in certain circumstances i.e. If 
> your diet is *not* good or you are ill or something.  He 
> always advises against eating *any* processed food at all.  
> In actual fact, he says, repeatedly, what you have just said 
> at the end of your post!  
> He has got himself into a lot of trouble with the authorities 
> and even had his site attacked because he is so outspoken 
> about the food and drug industry.  At the moment he is 
> running a video which shows footage of a top Merck scientist 
> responsible for vaccines, who is admitting they put stealth 
> viruses into vaccines which have caused leukaemia.  I 
> personally think him admirable in many ways.  Dee 
> -------Original Message------- 
> I don't much like Mercola... 
> If you followed what he said, you would be eating tons of 
> Processed food-like matter, vitamins and supplements. 
> It would cost hundreds of dollars a day. 
> Eat some real food. Eat less food... Get some exercise. 
> Dan 
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