I had heard that it was a B12 and or folic acid deficiency can cause this. 
My own theory is that it is a manifestation of the herpes virus as I had a
fairly bad case of this, although not nearly as bad as you Kirsteen.  I had
awful 'stabbing' pains in various places; under the flabby bit of my arm;
around my ribs, and across my middle back.  The pain was quite excruciating
and my skin would be so tender I couldn't touch it.  My doctor said it was
shingles, which I poo-poohed as I had no lesions at all.  I had to live on
pain killers and amitriptylene an anti depressant which doctors use for this
condition.  I now think he was right as when I *did* get shingles i.e. With
lesions, I used tons of CS plus l-lysine and all the vits and minerals I
could ingest!  I also had a bad case of sciatica, which also went with this
regime.  Dee 

-------Original Message-------
From: Kirsteen Wright
Date: 23/02/2008 16:42:08
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>EIS Immune system booster?

On Sat, Feb 23, 2008 at 4:03 PM, Scott <scottie592...@yahoo.com> wrote:

Hi, Kirsteen. My name is Scott and I have been diagnosed with a myalgic
condition that none of my doctors can figure out. This condition M.E. sounds
a lot  like what I have 
Hi Scott
You could try http://www.mechat.co.uk/  there's a lot of links there.
Unfortunately, over here, the psychiatric brigade hijacked the funding for
research and of course won't let go so there's very little biomedical
research done on it. 
We're still frequently told it's all in our heads and all we need is some
CBT to persuade us we're not ill and we'll be fine. Despite that we're not
allowed to donate organs or blood and the changes in the brain stem are
showing up on autopsies and it can now officially be given as a cause of
death. If you can afford the private tests you can also show the
degeneration in the mitochondria, and the ATp / Awhatsits imbalance.