On Sun, Feb 24, 2008 at 8:56 PM, Dee <d...@deetroy.org> wrote:

>    Well, as I understand it, they call 'mystery nerve pain'  fibromyalgia
> for want of a better word.  In other words, no-one is really sure what
> causes it.
Yes there are a lot of theories but no definitive research but a diagnosis
of fibromayalgia requires that at least a majority of the fibro points are
extremely tender when pressed.

There are 2 at the base of the skull,2 at the front of the neck, 2 on top of
the shoulders sort of half way out, 2 on the shoulder blades at the front, 2
at the back either side of the spine, 2 at the elbows on the top of te arm,
2 inside the knees, 2 sort of at the top of the gluteus maximus and 2 nearer
the outside of the hips. You really need a reliable chart to identify them.
Many unidentified pains are referred to as myalgia but true fibromyalgia
always involves these points.

