Well, as I understand it, they call 'mystery nerve pain'  fibromyalgia for
want of a better word.  In other words, no-one is really sure what causes it
or what it is.  There are many theories but nothing for sure, so as I had
this and it went when I followed a regime to get rid of herpes, I have
assumed that this is what it is.  I had stabbing pains in the flabby parts
under the upper arm; round my ribs and in the upper part of my back, coming
round into my waist (at its worst).  However, I could get it in my legs as
well.  This also caused my skin to be so tender I couldn't touch it.  All I
know is, it hurt like hell!  Following the anti-herpes regimen it has gone,
so I have assumed that is what it was.  Dee 

-------Original Message-------
From: Kirsteen Wright
Date: 24/02/2008 19:23:10
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CS>EIS Immune system booster?

On Sun, Feb 24, 2008 at 2:12 PM, Dee <d...@deetroy.org> wrote:

Actually yes I've had chicken pox 3 times. Apparently I don't build up an
immunity to it. I misunderstood you. I thought you were relating M.E. to the
herpes virus, not fibromyalgia. I'm lucky I don't have fibro. I know,
however that fibro has very specific points in the body it attacks (You'll
find loads of charts if you google it). When you had your pains was it those
points it was in or was it more generalised.