I wrote:
> > Next, if you leave the lid off you no longer have a closed system.
> > Distilled water (and your CS), will absorb carbon dioxide from the air
> > and form (I think it is...) carbolic acid. 

Indi replies:
> Yes well, the idea that we actually make containers which contain only
> H2O and silver is a misconception, as you yourself have just pointed
> out.

Yes, but your contention that we cannot achieve any kind of effective 
air-tight seal is quite misconcieved as well.

I've seen plastic pop bottles filled with water on a warm day in the 
fall and left in the trunk of a car over an entire winter, collapse as 
the weather got cold, *stay* that way for months even as they underwent 
numerous freeze-thaw cycles, and return to their original volume the 
first equally warm day in the spring.

I've personally sampled home-canned fruit that was at least 20 years 
old and still well-sealed and safely edible.

I've also designed, built and operated vacuum equipment with everything 
from O-ring seals and rough pumps to cryo-pumped ultra-high-vacuum 
systems with conflat flanges. I'm aware that there are detectable leak 
rates across various sealing materials and diffusion of hydrogen and 
helium through metals and glass.

All of my experiences back up Ken's off-the-cuff report: Although it's 
theoretically possible, in fact inevitable, that some exchange of gas 
molecules between the interior and exterior of a filled container will 
take place, at near-atmospheric pressures and for all practical 
purposes the amounts are NOT significant as long as the seals are 
functioning as they're designed.

If you are concerned about effects down in the 10^-12 range, don't 
bother. They are not meaningful in this discussion. Nothing we do here 
is that precise, nor does it need to be.

> As I said, without proper chemical analysis one cannot be sure of the
> exact content, and it is exceedingly unlikely that what we make to
> start with is pure H2O and silver only, or that the solution stored in
> simple jars will remain unchanged for very long. 

Once whatever dissolved gases included in the closed container have 
finished doing whatever they're going to do over the first few days, 
long term changes appear to be minimal, based on more reports than just 

Given how sensitive electrical conductivity happens to be to even 
slight changes in conditions or composition, getting two readings even 
roughly the same months apart is a pretty strong indicator that things 
haven't changed significantly. 

In our experience, that's the nature of the beast when you're talking 
about conductivity. While the exact value of your readings may not be 
all that close to some theoretical ideal measurement, comparative 
readings are in fact pretty sensitive to changes.

> That is my point, and I certainly cannot yield it, I'd be lying. 

Well, you're welcome to your position, but in the absence of actual 
experiences contradicting the rest of us, I'll take a wait-and-see 
attitude on your assertions, okay? <grin>

> Anyway, thanks for pointing out my misstatements. I will be more
> careful about that in the future. Not sure if you read the whole
> discussion though, as there was a lot of email I never got the last
> couple of days and I have no way of knowing if all the email I sent got
> through. I think it was Comcast's fault, but am not sure...

As near as I can tell from here, all your posts made it through, 
including the one you re-sent when you didn't see it. (Which is 
understandable given the circumstances.) Three people have now reported 
to me that COMCAST has once again been intermittently blocking messages 
from the list server.  

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

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