On Tue, 21 Oct 2008 07:33:08 +1030
"Neville" <nevillem...@bigpond.com> wrote:

> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "indi" <indi.sha...@gmail.com>
> To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2008 3:56 AM
> Subject: Re: CS>Measuring or Guessing
> Quote:
> [If CS becomes popular enough, we will see Big Pharma "improving" on
> it with "proprietary" manufacturing processes and lots of statistics
> claiming to be "data" to show their superiority.  Kind of like what
> we see now, but with bigger budgets and government sanction. Still,
> that would probably be an enormous improvement over a lot of what is
> currently offered by Big Pharma.]
> While anything would probably be an improvement on what pharma has to
> offer currently, with some valid exceptions I spose, if they ever did
> get into it I have to wonder what truck load of side effects or
> issues 'their' CS product would bring as it would not be as 'pure' as
> I produce in my own kitchen. My guess is that there would be
> 'additives' that would be included for the purpose of marketing.  If
> so then you would not be buying 'pure' EICS as I know it and produce
> it so I for one wouldn't be buying any of it anyway, even if they
> sold it for $1 a 44 gallon drum.  I'll never go past what I produce
> myself as I know exactly what's in it, (from a lay-mans point of view
> of course).
> But then again there would probably still be a queue outside the
> chemist shop simply because it's a chemist shop, and whatever they
> have on offer 'must be good' because they, or governing bodies say
> so, and I know how caring all of that lot are for my well being! <g>
> Perhaps this could be a good thing though as most people line up for
> pharma drugs knowing of their side effects so it may give EICS real
> legitimacy, in some whacked out screwed up sense.  People are funny
> like that.
> N.

:) I can see it now: "Our newest drug, Silvcheminol Ag, is the
best -- just check out our list of side effects. You won't get that
making it at home!"

A friend of mine, who's a nurse in a burn ward, says silver-lined
bandages are in common use now for severe burn patients. I was surprised
to hear it, thinking for sure they'd rather push synthetic chemicals
than silver. Maybe there's hope for western medicine yet (some distant


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