Yeah well I got to be honest with you Ode, I've listened and read a lot from many sources so from a personal perspective I've needed to put all that together with what I have experienced myself. Precision doesn't seem to be an option for me with CS, 'guides' and 'ranges' tend to satisfy me for the most part so you pretty much summed it up..."not this or that, but this and that". They are my 'guidelines', in the absence of suitable and/or appropriate technology sitting next to the toaster in my kitchen . <g>


----- Original Message ----- From: "Ode Coyote" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2008 3:22 AM
Subject: Re: CS>blue moons revisited

PPM and of those theories taken as gospel that holds no water. Particle size and color....incomplete. Not this or that, but this and that.


At 07:56 AM 10/19/2008 +1030, you wrote:
Hi there Faith,

I have both an EC/TDS blah blah meter and a, 'supposedly', ppm meter. The only reason I use any of them is cos I just don't trust the colour business as much as some form of instrument, and no matter how criticised they are. It seems the accepted thing is that slight colour indicates a particular ppm range but I find that doesn't work all the time, not bothered anyway, its much more convenient for me to just use a meter, (besides, it looks real scientific too <g>), and I don't give a hoot really about precision so long as I get it within a 'range'. After all, EICS is not rocket science to the majority of people is it, they just want to 'make it and take it'. Even though it's suggested colour is evident at 10-15ppm I have made a batch in the past of 17ppm, (well it was 21 initially!), and it remained clear for a couple of months, which is how long it would have lasted till I needed to make another batch. Mmmmm.......maybe my 'lil ol' home made generators are better than I realise <g>.

Cheers Neville.

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