Sorry again Wayne but you're crediting, (or discrediting), me with someone elses words. You should know by now that I am making every effort to avoid conflict. <g>


----- Original Message ----- From: "Wayne Fugitt" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 04, 2008 8:22 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Definite Terms and their meanings

Morning Neville,

>> At 01:36 AM 11/4/2008, you wrote:
Sorry, but you are very much mistaken on that.

 You cannot read and understand my message.
Here it is again.............
>   If you consider the first two words to be a term, which they are,
>   and define, make clear, or enhance the other word, ...... it would
> then be definite.

On many of the old vacuum tube audio circuits I've worked on there are
"power supply transformers" and there are "output transformers".

He was talking about and describing wall warts.

They are either a Transformer or a Power Supply. How complicated is that. And of course a power supply will have the transformer as an integral part.

You can call me old and dated, or even pedantic, but the term is still
certainly correct.

  Not correct and definite in the example stated.

I granted the term ( or device ) could exist, but was not best used in the situation stated.

Generally, people use the term, "Wall Wart" because they do not know what they have, and cannot tell. Otherwise they would call a Spade a Spade, and state exactly what they have.

If you don't believe me, go check out the RCA circuits from the 40s and 50s --

You might do best to forget much of the junk from those years. I doubt that you will mention any
term I have not seen and few that I do not understand what they are.

Now a good question for you.

If the critter was a "Power Supply Transformer", would it be a power supply?

the original circuits that amplifiers made by legends like Leo Fender, Jim Marshall, and Dick Denny were based upon. Also, the power supply usually consists of a bit more than just the transformer, which is the main, but not only, component. There is often at least rectifier circuitry involved, and sometimes filtering capacitors as well in a quality design.
While you are giving lessons explain switching power supplies, power supply regulation, and then tell us how to calculate the unbalanced neutral current in a Three Phase Y power system.

  I have a ppm calculation problem for you, much more interesting
  that some of this other stuff.  <grin>

  Nothing more on Wall Warts and terms from me.
  If you do not understand it now, ..........I am sorry.


Get up early when you call me wrong, provide the logic and facts, and I will say, "Thank You".
  Better to understand a little than to misunderstand a lot

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