Not the same thing...different "atomic" structure.

Heavy water is <>water that contains a higher proportion than normal of the <>isotope <>deuterium, as deuterium oxide, D2O or ²H2O, or as deuterium protium oxide, HDO or ¹H²HO.<>[1] Its physical and chemical properties are somewhat similar to those of <>water, H2O

veddy interestink stuff...


At 10:00 AM 4/6/2009 -0500, you wrote:
Good Morning Renee,

H3O is heavy water- I must have missed what that is supposed to be good for- and why they can't sell it here. Maybe it has something to do with that it is used in nuclear reactors to help absorb the stray isotopes or something. Or maybe you mean some other thing-or am I just confused again? It is beginning to be a beautiful spring here- the snow has just melted, so maybe I have spring fever.

I have really been enjoying the discussions, thanks you all.


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