Clayton Family wrote:
Good Morning Renee,

H3O is heavy water- I must have missed what that is supposed to be good for- and why they can't sell it here.
H3O is NOT heavy water. Heavy water is D2O. Significant quantities of heavy water will kill you, although I have never understood exactly why.

Maybe it has something to do with that it is used in nuclear reactors to help absorb the stray isotopes or something. Or maybe you mean some other thing-or am I just confused again? It is beginning to be a beautiful spring here- the snow has just melted, so maybe I have spring fever.

I have really been enjoying the discussions, thanks you all.


On Apr 5, 2009, at 10:01 PM, Gaiacita wrote:

Thanks Ode. I'm kinda clear on this. :-) Thing is, there's a lady here saying that the Kangen machines DO use a salt solution--so perhaps their "healthy" water is the same as this miracle water. To bad there isn't a way to test it at home, beyond the ph test. There must be some way to keep H3O stable. The same company that sells the original cansema salve has a new H3O product. It sounds pretty "miracle" to me and I've been trying to buy some--but they are not selling it yet. Have to get it past their government. They moved to south America because the FDA had shut them down here. But the lady said that as soon as their new country ok's the product they'll be able to ship it to the US. Apparently their H3O is stable, but maybe this acid water in these home ionizers does the same thing, only you'd have to make it and use it right away? Very promising. Thanks for taking the time for the great explanations. Samala,
-------Original Message------- ## The process is the same, the substance the process is used on is way

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