If your H3O [ "acid water", the counterpart to OH rich alkaline water ] is made pure in separate containers with nothing to neutralize it, there's no reason it wouldn't last as long as anyone elses.
 These are "pure water" products.

If theirs is different, it's not just H3O.

"Miracle water" [the house hold cleaner... "salt water" products], is NaCl [lye] and HClO [ Hypochlorus acid ] made in the SAME container and quickly reverts back to salt water as that container has *everything* in it to neutralize itself with. If they are made in *separate* containers, they will also be stable..except the Chlorine might eventually outgas if not kept tightly capped and kept out of sunlight.

"If you take our "H3O concentrate," with a very acidic measure of under pH 0.5, and you test it using spectrometry, chromotography, or any other analytical chemical measure (other the pH), what do you get? You would appear (though erroneously, read <http://www.altcancer.com/h3oprop.htm>Stability) to have nothing more than an aqueous solution of diluted sulphuric acid "

Why in Hell would a spectrograph find any Sulphur in H3O..unless it isn't just H3O?
Bait and Switch  BS meter... DING!!

Note: The patented manufacturing process used to make H3O employs sulphuric acid and then uses an extraction process to strip out the sulphur

If the spec' found sulphur, that process doesn't work very well.

 "Patents" don't mean a danged thing.


At 10:51 AM 4/6/2009 -0500, you wrote:
Hey Kathryn. No, you didn't miss anything. We have just mentioned H3O without really saying what it's about, except I think Ode says it's the "miracle" water.

But here's the Alpha Omega labs H3O and what it does.

Very interesting stuff. That's why I was wondering if we could make it here, but apparently what we'd make is not stable--won't keep for long. Their's does.

Snow!!! Here I am complaining because it's been unusually cold here in the mornings. Gets up to 80 during the day, but the mornings have been in the 40's. Yuck!


-------Original Message-------

H3O is heavy water- I must have missed what that is supposed to be good
for- and why they can't sell it here. Maybe it has something to do with
that it is used in nuclear reactors to help absorb the stray isotopes
or something.

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