This thread has already been beaten into the ground, 
and I have nothing more to say about it.
Besides, you just proved you weren't *following* the thread 
anyway, since that was not at all my last word on the matter.
How the heck can I communicate properly with someone who comes 
at the end of a conversation to argue about something said previously 
which was already cleared up? The proper method is read til the end then 
deal with the conclusion, otherwise you tend to not have relevance.

On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 08:53:21AM -0700, Gayla Roberts wrote:
> "Turkey's are grazers, not much chance he'd have starved in that
>>> > mostly wooded area.
> Indi"
> BTW turkeys are not grazers, they are omnivores. Look at the shape of 
> their beaks. They eat bugs and dead animals and will even eat the butt 
> out of another turkey when it bleeds from pulling its tail feathers out. 
> Not a magnificent bird.
> Gayla Roberts 
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