Joyce Grace wrote:


I may have submitted my CS question to the incorrect list. I have not noticed any info about CS production in any of your attachments. I wish to find info on the home manufacturing of this product. Don’t know anything about chemistry or polarity. My daughter has MS and CS was recommended to her by our herbalist acupuncture friend Ed, now living in Cary, NC. He also gave me your email address. Is there a fairly simple machine that I can load up and let do its thing? Or, is this project more like making Kombucha Tea or fermented foods? We have purchased a few months supply of CS to see if there is help to be had from it and also to give me time to figure this thing out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


For diagnosed MS, make sure she is off ALL neurotoxins. The most prevalent ones are aspartame and MSG. The majority of cases of MS diagnosed in the last 20 years have actually been misdiagnosed Rumsfeld disease, which is easily curable as long as it doesn't go too far. Treating Rumsfeld disease for MS is useless, you have to stop the toxins, then start the slow process of rebuilding and repairing the damage..


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