On Thu, 21 Jan 2010 07:06:50 EST, martsmai...@aol.com wrote in

>I am just interested in detox program.Is it safe. Are there any side  
>effects.They promote taking large amounts of niacin

I did not experience side effects. There are discussions
about effects on the liver. I personally had none. The
niacin "flush" (skin gets red and hot) is not harmful.

But as it targets only substances that are stored in the
fatty tissues, it had no effect on the serious heavy 
metal problems I had. 

Also it would not clear plaque from the arteries, as EDTA 
chelation does, or clean out any other garbage from the
body that is not in the fatty tissue.

In my opinion it can be useful if drug residues like LSD etc. 
exist, but it is really a limited program. 

Heidrun Beer

Workgroup for Fundamental Spiritual Research and Mental Training

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