Hubbards fiction is a window into his mind concerning the "religion".
He pounds one theme right into the ground "Force is inefficient" and using it just creates it's own opposing, how do you trick someone all wrapped up in being right about their own BS into volunteering to change themselves? ...given that no one CAN change anothers mind and attempting to just solidifies it further the way it is.
"PHD"  Pile it higher and deeper [beliefs] till even they don't buy it.
 Program dependency till the slave of self revolts.
Fool the fool into fooling himself out of foolery.
The day of doubt is the revelation of the faithful.

Load it up till it crashes under it's own weight...a virus inserted into the computer wipes the drives and it begins to program itself...and KNOWS it's a program, even still.
 "Nothing here worth losing", loses it by default.
The day they leave in disgust and can't be manipulated into coming back. The day they declare it all to be hoopoe and stand by that declaration tested by a system of harassment...."CLEAR"

Total rejection is the sign of acceptance of a truth, beyond "belief", that can't be "told".
You do not know the power that you HAVE been using, that you cannot NOT use.
You always succeed, you just don't know what you are doing [and never will, but at least you'll KNOW that you don't know what you are doing, be a bit less careless and will never again see yourself as a powerless victim fresh out of choices. ]

Then filled in to the tactic to become instructors. Like "EST" "Landmark Education" or its "The Forum" stepchild on steroids, where the *graduate* has declared it to all, including his own BS, to be BS. [ Werner Erhard of EST and brother Harry Rosenberg, <>CEO of <>Landmark Education and the quest for discovering the pre-existence of "IT" ] Scientology..a religion where the "priests" don't have a religion and it's ultimate goal is to eliminate itself.
Of course, doing that looks like the WORST sort of cult, by design.
 The failure of reason is just a step.
 If the followers were rational, they'd not be following.
If they knew they were irrational, they'd not be so irrational as to join up.
Once they become rational, they lead...pushing sheep claiming wolf-dom over a series of cliffs till they fly.

There is a reason that the Scientology "belief system" appears to be nutso to actually rational people. It IS.
 But most people aren't rational enough to know why.

It's a bit tough for the average bear to fathom a genius, but just recognizing intellect over ones head is a enough to get a glimpse and idea that such a thing does exist.

Hubbard was one DEVIOUS Dude. Try on Robert Anton Wilson. [The Illuminatus Trilogy.....all of the sides works for me, working to eliminate all sides, conflicting conflict to its own demise.]

The ClowardPiven strategy is a political strategy outlined by <>Richard Cloward and <>Frances Fox Piven, then both sociologists and political activists at the <>Columbia University School of Social Work, in a 1966 article in <>The Nation entitled "The Weight of the Poor: A Strategy to End Poverty." The two argued that many Americans who were eligible for welfare were not receiving benefits, and that a welfare enrollment drive would create a political crisis that would force U.S. politicians, particularly the Democratic Party, to enact legislation "establishing a guaranteed national income."<>[1] They wrote the ultimate objective of this strategy (is) to wipe out poverty by establishing a guaranteed annual income... (via) the outright redistribution of income.

C&P have a vision and believe they know what they are doing and will succeed if this continues, but what they don't see is that redistribution requires the use of force that engenders its own resistance and can't be efficient enough to not crash...ultimately leaving the poor with their "own" vision to change...or starve as slaves. People aren't poor because they have no's a "victim mindset"...a belief in a lack of power, the SAME power of creation that every one has and cannot not be used, only denied ownership of.

Responsibility and blame are diametric opposites.

Blame says, " I am giving the power to change my situation to the people that **I** say, cares the least.... and I have no choices " Responsibility says " I create my own situation....including the ones that make me believe I don't, but I ALWAYS have choices, in fact, cannot not make them."

So, why do both illnesses and cures manifest so differently in different people?
Clear Body,Clear Mind?     No...Clear Mind, Clear *of* Body.

From the viewpoint of source, a disease is no more "real" than the body that has it....believing IT is real and proving it to it's own *investigation stopping satisfaction* by way of self validating feedback loops... a disease being one of them, trying to prove this *life* as-real with a fear of death. are not what you currently "believe" that you are.
..and your mind is not really in your brain. [It has no "location", only a current focus and attachments to ideas that KEEP it focused.]


At 07:12 AM 1/21/2010 -0600, you wrote:
I do recall that Tom Cruise is into Scientology, and just a cursory search in Google provides a whole plethora of articles about it. You may like this stuff, but personally speaking, I don't want anything to do with anything he recommends whether you want to call it a religion or not. And I am just as free to voice my opinion as the next person, and to believe what I like, just as everyone is. And as far as I'm concerned Scientology meets all the criteria of a religion from what I can see.

It's very hard for me to credit that it has nothing to do with religion. Maybe my understanding of it is mistaken, but from what I understand Scientology does enjoy a tax free status as a religion, unless they've lost their tax free status and I haven't read about it.

The Clear Body, Clear Mind program was developed by Hubbard. And while I liked reading his science fiction, I'm not interested in any belief system created by him.

So, no offense, and you can believe anything you like, but I am politely asking that you please not defend it here on the CS list because of its' ties to Scientology. I find it offensive, and I resent Scientology recruiting propaganda being in my inbox. And I do believe there's a list rule about religion and politics.

The author of Clear Body Clear Mind, L. Ron Hubbard lived an uncloistered life, dedicating his life to helping men and woman achieve true mental and spiritual improvement.

Control your destiny or somebody else will.~Jack Welsh

Sandee George wrote:
Please - clearing the mind has nothing to do with any religion !!!!!!

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