[Heidrun Beer, posts snipped and excerpted] . . . I cannot see how plant oil
will drive human fat out of the cells and replace it. 


XXX I'm not sure that that was the reason Hubbard suggested the oils-but if
I have time, I'll re-read the section and get back to you.


I did not experience side effects. There are discussions about effects on
the liver. I personally had none. The niacin "flush" (skin gets red and hot)
is not harmful.


XXX In fact, it's the niacin flush that is beneficial.


But as it targets only substances that are stored in the fatty tissues, it
had no effect on the serious heavy metal problems I had. 


Also it would not clear plaque from the arteries, as EDTA chelation does, or
clean out any other garbage from the body that is not in the fatty tissue.


In my opinion it can be useful if drug residues like LSD etc. exist, but it
is really a limited program. That said, I did not have a drug history other
than some medical drugs, so other people may have had more gains than I did.


XXX You are quite correct that the metals may tend to remain in the bones.
The program works best for those whose toxins are in the fat cells, which
are the most accessible.


Thanks, Heidrun, for your report.

