Ditto what James is saying:  There is no constant relationship
between mS and ppm.  That is why a tds cannot, ever, tell ppm.  It
can only be used to give an idea of what ppm 'may' be if one has a
very stable generator and all parameters are kept the same, and the
ppm was tested by other means.  The tds can not tell what the
particle sizes are and what ratio of different particle sizes may be
in the sample, so it cannot tell what ratio of mS to ppm to use due
to the change of conductivity.


Victoria Welch wrote:
> James and Ian,
> >  [ ... ]
> > I have become accustomed to using PPM because that is what most everyone on
> > the list uses.  I don't have a direct formula to convert mS to PPM, but I
> > will get one.  My meter displays either.
> If you have a formula to convert PPM to mS, I would appreciate it if you
> could pass it along.  I now have the Hanna TDS and would like to make it
> as useful (or potentially so) as possible.
> > Microsiemens are a measure of conductance; it is the Ohm---unit of
> > resistance, upside down; the reciprocal or 1/Ohms. [ ... ]
> Hummm, it might be iteresting to see if my computed resistance will
> match the TDS value when computed that way.  Just a quick computation
> from some of my data came out to a finished mS of 0.00011626 (1/8601),
> maybe it doesn't work that way...?!?
> > Send the water and some of your silver; I will do a PPM test on both the
> > water and the sol.  For a limited control, you could also have Bob Berger
> > test it.
> I am, first off, courious as to what you use to get the actual PPM
> reading.  Device, manufacturer, cost, supply costs?  thoughts and
> comments? If you don't mind me asking.  This not knowing is driving me
> to drink (fortunately it is CS I am drinking :).
> In the process, if you do testing, what are your rates?
> > Santa Fe
> > New Mexico
> Loved the area - hated the economy.  The Pojaque(sp?) were a real thrill
> as well :-/.  Got to visit the old governers place down on the square
> and in general explore the area and thoroughly enjoyed it.  What an
> archeological paradise :)!  After a few days there I could breath again
> :-).
> Thanks and take care, Vikki.
> --
> Victoria Welch, WV9K, DoD#-13, Net/Sys/WebAdmin SeaStar.org,
> vikki.oz.net
> #include <coffee.h>
> "Walking on water and developing software to specification are
> easy as long as both are frozen" - Edward V. Berard.
> Do not unto others, that which you would not have others do unto you.
> --
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