Check these sites to understand a little more about TDS and
conductivity/resistance: - which includes a chart and
graph relating TDS to conductivity.

Equivalent weight of Ag+ = 100
TDS as CaCo3(equiv. weight 50) x 2 = TDS as Ag+
(this assumes monovalent Ag+ ions)

Regards Ivan.

----- Original Message -----
From: Victoria Welch <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, 17 September 1999 18:23
Subject: CS measurements ?!

> James and Ian,
> >  [ ... ]
> > I have become accustomed to using PPM because that is what
most everyone on
> > the list uses.  I don't have a direct formula to convert mS
to PPM, but I
> > will get one.  My meter displays either.
> If you have a formula to convert PPM to mS, I would appreciate
it if you
> could pass it along.  I now have the Hanna TDS and would like
to make it
> as useful (or potentially so) as possible.

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