This could just be the re-emergence of information on last month's 
ruling from the FDA about colloidal silver and it's ingredients being 
"not proven safe or effective" for use in over the counter meds.

Given the usual state of the rumor mill, and the tendency of some to 
*want* to stir up controversy and anxiety to promote sales, it is 
possible this is only the same info we visited then, going around for 
the second time.

I would be real pleased if y'all would keep digging and see if 
there's anything *new* in the press about FDA action. And if 
somebody wants to repost some of the links and such from last month, 
maybe that'll give us a jumping off point for knowing where to look 
for any new info.

Stay calm. Do not panic. Do not give up.

Also, let's be circumspect in raising political issues on the list,
lest we find ourselves distracted by arguments about the various
philosophies, politicians, etc...  As it applies to policies and
enforcement toward our little corner of the CS world, we can talk
about these things. But lets try to stay on point and not assume
that everybody will agree on anything else!

Be well,

Mike D.
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                       ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

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