Fine but for colloidal silver purposes who needs any sweetener?

On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 2:44 PM, Marshall Dudley <>wrote:

> According to Gaterade they are phasing fructose out:
>   *
>             Does Gatorade include High Fructose Corn Syrup? Why or Why
>             not?
>     Currently, G2 does not contain HFCS, and the remaining products
>     from The Gatorade Company will soon be following suit. We are
>     changing the source of carbohydrate in Gatorade Thirst Quencher in
>     2010 to a sucrose-dextrose blend, which still serves the important
>     functional purpose of providing energy to fuel athletes’ working
>     muscles during activity. What’s important to note is that from a
>     scientific efficacy standpoint nothing will change, and our
>     research shows the taste with the sucrose-dextrose blend is
>     actually preferred by many athletes.
> Marshall