I would share if I could--I don't have it anymore.  I got rid of it when I
saw how she had changed her site and dropped a lot of her zeo products and
even her zeo information!  She'd really become an NCD distributor and so
that was basically all she had on there after her change.

When her prices went up so much I wrote asking why and she wrote back saying
that her cost of buying bulk zeo had gone up.  Originally she had told me
she was looking into making her own liquid zeo for sale, but apparently gave
that up in favor of just going with NCD.

So I would simply Google for powdered zeolite. Check several places for the
best price.  Some give a lot of BS marketing hype and charge up to $25 a
pound!  But the basic price range that I found (about 2 years ago) was $10 a

And basically all zeo is the same chemical make-up.  The only difference is
how finely they grind it, so watch out for the scams that go on about how
much better theirs is.

Wow--I just did a quick search and it seems that most of the powdered zeo is
going for FIFTY bucks a pound now!  Guess you'll have to do some digging to
see if you can get it cheaper.  I knew a guy that lived where he could get
pure zeolite cat litter.  He ground it himself and took that.  Don't be
snowed by the ones that say 'it's not food grade'.  It's all the same, just
different grinds/mesh.

I the site I had used was www.zeostore.com but that site is gone now! 

-------Original Message-------
Would you share the contact information for the lady that sells the zeolite?