

       According to Traditional Japanese Medicine aduki bean juice is very
good for the kidneys.  Black beans are good too.  The juice is the liquid
portion of the beans after you've cooked them for several hours.  



From: Sandy [] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 2:50 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Kidney Failure


Hi Joy, a gentleman from another forum posted his regimen for getting off of
dialysis and how it healed his kidneys.


Here it is...

Yes Melly--coq10 'was' one of the things I used. I made sure i bought the
highest potent stuff I could find. Maybe i went overboard, but heck,,i'm off
dialysis. I was on dialysis for 2 years, and seen two of my friends die
their at the center. I knew i had to figure out a way of leaving there. I
would go every other day, at 6 in the morning-for 5 hours. It doesn't
hurt,,but man, afterwards, you felt like you were hit with a mack truck.
Fortunately, i knew natural medicine worked, because i used garlic(liquid)
to cure my cat of FIP, and the same thing for my dog years later who had
parvo,and it cured him too. In both cases, the vet wanted to "put them
down", but i love animals, and thought that would be like murder. I just
read a lot, I have 400-500 books on natural medicine, sooo,don't give me any
credit. Other people wrote these books, i just learned from them.

yes, you can research on google, kidney disease, and coq10. A dr. Richard
Schulze wrote a book saying,,that no one needs to be on dialysis! Research
him too, i got his books from Amazon.

Ok,,the Coq10 i bought,,is called Liq-Nol. Made by epic4health. Not cheap,
at 130.00 a bottle. You can research this, and get 'ubiquinol', not
ubiquinone,,more potent. Google all this!

The second thing,,er let me say first,,after a while on dialysis,,i decide
to go 'against' what the doctors were preaching to me,,NO VITAMINS,,NO
ALL OF THE GOOD STUFF(MINERAL, VITAMINS ETC.) as well as the bad stuff. I
was not getting better. I started taking my vitamins etc..and guess what, I
immediately noticed the difference. Shortly after, I was discharge from
dialysis. My last kidney doctor, a young guy(nephrologist), told me on the
sly,,er,,admitted,,that he believed in what i was saying about 'curing'
people, but,,in order to protect his job, would not exactly preach it to the
other patients! This is the kind of world we live in,,money,,even at the
expense of someones life,,is more important than the truth! My first kidney
doctor was the one who 'scared' me, into 'not' taking any natural things
because it could kill me. I took a chance,,I was right,,he was wrong!
Sorry--got sidetracked.
The second thing i took-a whole food supplement, a powerful one called
"Green Vibrance". I get most of my stuff from Amazon, but you can search
around for better deals.

The third thing I took,,and i think this had a "BIG' impact--'ionized
water". I see a natural health doctor here in Akron Ohio, so I take 3 gallon
jugs to him, because he has a water ionizer. Costs a few bucks a gallon.
Those were the 'biggies' that I did.

Dr. Schulze uses kidney cleansing herbs, which, i guess i must work, but i
didn't follow his exact protocol. I ate lots of garlic, took
astragalus-google that, its amazing. I will think of more things I did and
get back to you all. The doctor(chiropractor) i see here in Akron, is Dr.
Keith Ungar, you can look him up, on  YouTube, and he has teaching(no
selling) videos.  Anyway,,you would think,,the medical guys would be bugging
me on how i got off dialysis,,since no ones hardly done it. Conspiracy of
Silence,,lol.Anyway,,i'm not a writer, but i hope this helps someone> I
believe 'everthing, and i mean everything, can be cured with natural
medicine. Its just figuring out the right protocol for your particular
condition.READ READ READ!


--- On Wed, 1/11/12, 2 Words Production <> wrote:

From: 2 Words Production <>
Subject: CS>Kidney Failure
Date: Wednesday, January 11, 2012, 12:49 AM


For a loved one, seeking to help her with failing kindeys. Does anyone know
of any type of therapy out there or above there that can be used to clean
the blood and support the kidneys - or even regenerate cells?
Also - are there any devices that can be used on the kidney area/meridian to
alleviate pain?

Seeking all good healers out there to help in my quest.

Blessings of good health to all,

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