Steve wrote:
Do any of you know of any modern breakthroughs in ways to cure it or at
least slow its progression?  It seems most discussions of FM are for ways to
reduce the effects (e.g. mask the pain, various stretching exercises, diet
restrictions), but very little is said about actually curing it or
preventing it in the first place.  CS/EIS doesn't seem to help (included to
keep on topic!).
I reduced my joint pain (mostly knees and sometimes hips) to a very low level (often no pain at all) by cutting polyunsaturated fats out of my diet. (confess sometimes I cheat and suffer for it). This includes all vegetable oils except for expeller pressed coconut oil and butter and the fat in half and half, etc. No chicken fat, no lard, no more cooking with bacon fat, LOL. No flaxseed oil or evening primrose oil, borage oil, grapeseed oil or the like, either, almost no nuts. No fish oils. Fish oils are the most unstable of all the PUFA oils. This is obviously not the conventional wisdom re so-called "essential fatty acids" but it worked for me. Probably all the gelatin I now eat helped a lot as well, since I did both things relatively close together time-wise it is hard to separate which one was the most beneficial. But I do notice when I cheat and consume poly-unsaturated fats, the joint pain comes back.


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