Hi Nenah,
5 years ago, a traveling acquaintance was suffering from shingles. I don't 
remember which of these CAFL frequencies we used on my FScan 2, but he used the 
hand-holds and after 15 min. of some of them, felt marked improvement. Would 
frequencies be an answer? BTW, in CAFL 'Shingles' directs reader to 'Herpes 
Herpes_zoster (chicken pox, shingles. 664*) - 3343, 2320, 2170, 1600, 1500, 
1160, 914, 880, 833, 802, 787, 664, 580, 3.9
Herpes_zoster_1 (4 min each freq) - 10000, 833, 802, 3.9
Herpes_zoster_secondary - 1550, 802, 1800, 1865, 728, 2720, 2128, 5000, 464, 
800, 574, 1557, 304, 20
Herpes_zoster_v - 7160, 3343, 2431, 2323, 1577, 1544, 40887, 958, 934, 787, 
786, 738, 718, 716, 686, 668, 643, 576, 574, 573, 572, 563, 554, 542, 453, 446, 
436, 425, 423, 411, 345, 333, 223, 134 

Be well,
On Aug 6, 2012, at 11:35 AM, Nenah Sylver wrote:

> Zoe wrote: I developed a whopping case of shingles in early January  and they 
> still are creating a bit of a problem for me, tho not nearly as much as 
> before. it was my understanding that CS worked on bacteria  but not virii  so 
> I didn't use my CS . Now  Im being told that it could be beneficial. Does 
> anyone have experience  and if so  should I take it internally,  rub it on 
> the lesions  or just how do I go about this?
> =========================
> Zoe,
> You can try chaparral too, also known as creosote bush. There’s a company 
> that makes a form of it called Shegoi, where potentially liver-toxic 
> compounds have been removed. (Note that I said “potentially.” This is for the 
> medical establishment.)
> The Shegoi comes in capsules and a spray. I sent the spray to a friend whose 
> wife had horrible shingles on her back. He sprayed it onto her back and in 20 
> minutes the pain and burning were completely gone. The stuff works great. You 
> can Google it.
> Nenah
> Nenah Sylver, PhD
> author, the NEW Rife Handbook (2011)
> Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy (2004)
> VoiceBio and Biomodulator certification
> www.nenahsylver.com; www.rifehandbook.com