Soloflex makes a small, whole body vibrator, as a little red motor to be 
fastened to exercise equipment or already mounted beneath a stable platform on 
which you can stand, sit, lie, or strike positions to strengthen particular 
areas of the body. More expensive that the trampoline rebounders, but quite a 
bit less than the big WBV vibrating units. I like it a lot, even though I 
haven't room for it on the road.
Be well,
On Sep 25, 2012, at 9:59 PM, Craig Chamberlin wrote:

> What you are looking for is a Needak Rebounder...totally different animal 
> from a regular mini-tramp.  And yes it is fairly expensive, but if you are 
> not in great health you can do what I think they call the "health bounce" 
> which moves lymphatic fluid and requires very, very little effort.  I have 
> one and wouldn't trade it.  I am using it to get some strength back after 
> nearly a year of spending most of my day in bed.
> Del wrote:
>> Relative to the large, backyard kind of trampoline, you might want to read 
>> the following cautionary article:
>> Del
>> From: Sara Mandal-Joy
>> Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2012 9:00 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: CS>rebounding.
>> If you do a search you'll find a ton of information, many articles, on both 
>> the benefits of rebounding, AND the dangers of rebounding on a mini tramp.  
>> On a mini trampoline is a "great" way to damage your feet, ankles, and 
>> knees.  DON'T DO IT!!!  But there is no better excercise than rebounding on 
>> a good "rebounder" - the kind that usually cost at least 300 bucks and have 
>> the right kind of springs and material.  I'm not sure how the giant backyard 
>> ones measure in this equation - have no experience with them and haven't 
>> researched them.  Probably, almost certainly, better than the cheap 
>> minitramps.  But I'm sure there is a range of quality with them as well, 
>> some better absorbing and cushioning the stress of the landing than others.  
>> Sara
>>> Marshall,
>>> Some time ago someone on this list gave information on a doctor who advises 
>>> rebounding but NOT with a mini trampoline.  Do you or someone else have his 
>>> name or the article?
>>> Thanks Mary