Renee,You mentioned Peter Kulish has said that his enzyme product removes 
plaque from the arteries.  Where did you purchasethese emzymes?  I am very 
interested in them for my husband who has had two heart attacks.  He is doing 
well nowand the part of his heart that died has regenerated but would love more 
Subject: RE: Cayenne / Aches & pain was // Re: CS>Prostatitis
Date: Tue, 9 Oct 2012 21:44:08 -0500

he never checked his blood sugar.  The doctors were exasperated with him,
and finally just said—take 2 shots a day of x amount of insulin.  His
doc didn’t like it but they knew dad would never check and it was the
only way to ‘control’ the diabetes.  And because he took shots
Dad figured he could eat whatever he wanted.  It was frustrating.


never had his sugar drop that low before and it was the first time he ever was
out of it.  then it happened 2 more times.  The second time they took
him to the ER but the third time they said—we can take him, but now you
know what it is and you can give him such and such here at home and get him out
of it.  do you want us to take him?


said no, and brought him out of it myself.  Mom got really sick and passed
not too long after that, and by then Dad was blind so moved in with us and I got
his diabetes under control.  Started taking his blood tests because he
couldn’t tell me no like he could Mom.  J 


Dad loved salt.  And he had chronic constipation.  But I’ve
heard a lot of theories about why people get type 2.  And it can always be
cured with the correct food, so—food related.


though, Peter Kulish has said that his enzyme product removes plaque from the
arteries.  To test this out he gave it to several doctors that he knows to
test on their patients.  Not only did it clear the arteries, the diabetics
who were on the circulation enzymes became un-diabetic.  They couldn’t
figure out why as the enzymes didn’t have a thing to do with sugar or
diabetes.  Finally they theorized that the enzymes were not just cleaning
the walls of the arteries but that they must have also been cleaning the CELL
walls of plaque too, and that once the plaque was off the cell walls of the
pancreas, it started working again normally and the symptoms of diabetes
stopped!  Very interesting, huh?





I have heard that diabetes (and appendicitis) are due to chronic