At least 2 years, kept cool, dry and dark. They're cheap enough (except for 
shipping) and available, (once they arrive) with no allopathic hoops to jump 
through, so can be used immediately. L
On Nov 22, 2012, at 3:47 PM, PT Ferrance wrote:

> Hi Lena,
> If you are stockpiling doxy did you check the shelf life first?  Most meds 
> start to deteriorate after a given period of time and I wouldn't want you to 
> think you were safe when you weren't.
> PT
> From: Lena Guyot <>
> To:
> Sent: Wed, November 21, 2012 9:03:24 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>tick bite problem
> Hi Vicki,
> Sounds like you're doing some smart things, As a chronic Lymie of 45+ years, 
> I'm definitely not a fan of abx, but Doxycycline, 6 week's worth, will stop 
> acute Lyme (recently bitten) and resolve it if administered right away.
> is an offshore source (without a prescription) for generic 
> doxy, where I just placed an order for some to have on hand in case any of my 
> loved ones are ever bitten. It's a reputable source with good, reliable 
> products, very cheap, but shipping is high and not super fast. (Also, they've 
> recently switched payment methods from credit cards to money orders and such, 
> so less convenient) That's worrisome for your situation. If you can get even 
> a couple weeks of doxy from a local doctor until you can get more on your 
> own, that's what I would do in your situation. Most docs will prescribe doxy 
> after an obvious bull's eye Lyme rash, but not for long enough to truly nip 
> it in the bud, as experienced and recognized by most if the Lyme community.
> Warning: I'm not a doc, only a lymie lab-rat, with no credentials to give 
> medical advice, only to share what I've learned and experienced on several 
> Lyme groups over 6 years.
> Once this bite goes chronic and the pathogens have found their desired hiding 
> places, it's a much more complicated, costly, and uncertain health problem 
> that I wouldn't wish on anyone. You have a small, very important window of 
> opportunity to save yourself years of struggle and heartache. Best of luck.
> Be well,
> Léna
> On Nov 21, 2012, at 7:31 PM, vicki hood wrote:
>> Hi all,  Yesterday scraped tick out of my forearm.  It was half embedded.  
>> Very smalll deer tick.  I have problems.  I drank CS numerous times, washed 
>> it with alcohol, scratched a lot.  Last night it swelled.  It turned red.  
>> It hurts and itches in a path 3inches by 6 inches with a hard circle about 
>> the size of a 50 cent piece at the bite then swelling and heat and red  that 
>> headed upward and sideways from the top of my forearm.  It is hot and 
>> swollen  ---Still drinking CS. short soak in rubbing alcohol.  Several swabs 
>> of oil of oregano. Avoiding doctor.  everal years ago i had tick bite that 
>> had hard, red angry reaction.  Doctor said i am allergic.  Whoa,  Benedryl?  
>> What do i do?  HELP.  MuttmomVicki