Part of the tick may still be in your arm. If you swab directly with
oregano, you may overdose your skin which could create some of the
reaction. Some oils penetrate better than others. Tea tree, clove,
lavender penetrate. Mixing your oregano with jojoba and those other
oils could be a better way than straight oregano. I would be tempted to
keep it cold at first while you zap with a battery. In a few days,
alternating heat and cold could be beneficial. Isopropyl alcohol may
not be as good as vodka or everclear. Vitamin C, several grams could be
good. If you have respiratory allergic reactions, baking soda and or
choline may help. If you zapp, be aware that local burns are possible.
You can feel this happening. Avoid it by increasing the area of the
damp sponges/ paper towels or decreasing the voltage.
On 11/21/2012 5:31 PM, vicki hood wrote:
Hi all, Yesterday scraped tick out of my forearm. It was half
embedded. Very smalll deer tick. I have problems. I drank CS
numerous times, washed it with alcohol, scratched a lot. Last night
it swelled. It turned red. It hurts and itches in a path 3inches by
6 inches with a hard circle about the size of a 50 cent piece at the
bite then swelling and heat and red that headed upward and sideways
from the top of my forearm. It is hot and swollen ---Still drinking
CS. short soak in rubbing alcohol. Several swabs of oil of
oregano. Avoiding doctor. everal years ago i had tick bite that had
hard, red angry reaction. Doctor said i am allergic. Whoa,
Benedryl? What do i do? HELP. MuttmomVicki