My mom almost died from shingles. Of course the severity varies. Older folks that have had a chicken pox vaccination when they were young may get worse symptoms. The problem is post herpetic neuralgia. So you will want to research as much and do as much as you can for this because the neuralgia is almost impossible to cure. Sorry, I dont have my files on it, but frankly, we werent too successful with our herbs, plus doctors medications, which were actually horrible. The nurse told me she wouldnt last one more day, so despite her bedridden destroyed state, I made the awful decision to take her off all meds and she started improving from there and lasted another decade.

If you can handle your oregano by mouth than its probably ok for you. It may be already diluted with oil. I would try zapping which in my experience is pretty effective against virus's. Look into hulda Clarks zappers or rife. Cheaper hand held ones may be as effective as plasma units. Frequency specific may help you more than the simplest ones. Look also for violet ray machines, usually you can find used ones on ebay or spring for a new one.

Chaparral could be good, and if you live near where it grows, you can make your own strong teas and lotions with it.

Do more than you are doing and do it soon. Be decisive and pro active to avoid years of misery.

On 11/22/2012 2:53 AM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:
Re: CS>tick bite problem - oregano in general Just reading this and I was wondering if this would be the same. I ingest oil of oregano---two drops under the tongue for shingles. Is this right, or should I be diluting it? Many thanks. dee

*From: *mgperrault <>
*Reply-To: *"" <>
*Date: *Wed, 21 Nov 2012 18:19:27 -0700
*To: *"" <>
*Subject: *Re: CS>tick bite problem
*Resent-From: *"" <>
*Resent-Date: *Wed, 21 Nov 2012 17:19:33 -0800

Part of the tick may still be in your arm. If you swab directly with oregano, you may overdose your skin which could create some of the reaction. Some oils penetrate better than others. Tea tree, clove, lavender penetrate. Mixing your oregano with jojoba and those other oils could be a better way than straight oregano. I would be tempted to keep it cold at first while you zap with a battery. In a few days, alternating heat and cold could be beneficial. Isopropyl alcohol may not be as good as vodka or everclear. Vitamin C, several grams could be good. If you have respiratory allergic reactions, baking soda and or choline may help. If you zapp, be aware that local burns are possible. You can feel this happening. Avoid it by increasing the area of the damp sponges/ paper towels or decreasing the voltage.