In a message dated 1/20/2013 6:35:19 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Anyone know if DMSO and homemade silver could help an  abscessed tooth and 
prevent a root canal? If so what would be the protocol  please.
Thanks,  Sandy      
{ It's  a yahoo  group----                          _germkillersignin_ 
=web&pub=groups&sec=group&slk=1)           Hi Sandy,  I cured a really bad 
abscess with a double A battery. Had  them before & had to take mega doses 
of antibiotics before I started  learning about alternatives. 
This is what I did.---  {{I used it & let Bg know on the  
electricgermkiller sit.--It was put in the archive with my instructions. he  
asked for 
pictures of how I built it but I never took any & sent them..I  should but it 
so easy-}}----I took about 6-8 inches of lamp  wire---pulled it in 
half----cleaned the rubber / plastic  on each end of  both wires--{ about 3/4 
inches } 
  I soldered one end of one wire to  the pos. post on the battery & one end 
of the other wire on the negative  end.... On the other bare ends I wrapped 
a small piece of cotton cloth. { I used  a needle & thread to keep it in 
place |   I soaked the cloth end  of each wire in distilled water-----Put the 
cloth end of one wire in my mouth as  close to the abscess as I could get it 
& the other wire outside on the big  bump on my jaw......I held them in 
place for 5 mins. then switched positions  ---inside wire out * outside wire in 
{thus changing the polarity }  &  held it for 5 mins. ..... 
   I did this in the evening before bed time..rinsed my  mouth with 
hydrogen peroxide / distilled water & then CS /EIS...    I did the same thing 
next morning & again in the evening....The next  morning when I got up the 
swelling was almost gone & no more problems  since...This was several months 
ago....NO- you can't feel a thing as far as  electric current passing through 
the jaw... I even used it to cure my Grandson's  cold sore & an infected 
big toe.... Good  luck--Lois