Tony Moody wrote wrote: The wisdom out there is DO NOT DO THIS. You are
potentially putting electricity across your brain AT YOUR OWN RISK. [That
said,]...I use my current controlled "silver maker" in my mouth....It is a
small hand held device, 9v dc with 1mA nominal output. I've just checked The
open circuit volts across the probes is at 7.8v.  Output is 0.842mA max. and
it is 0,09 v across the probes then....I would prod and then hold for 30
seconds to 1 minute and then change the prod position to try to find another
sensitive or reactive place. Then swap polarity and do it again.  


[and to Lois] I would NOT use a TENS device on my head, nor directly along
my spine. On the other hand I am quite happy using low voltage (3 to 12v) on
my self, as long as it is current controlled, or very low voltage (1.5v) if
uncontrolled. The TENS devices I looked at years ago had an output spike of
about 140v dc. This is a very high voltage sharp jolt of electricity
designed to get through flesh in order to dull or switch off nerves. I would
not want to put that across my brain or brainstem, I have little enough of
it left anyway. I have a modern APS device which I can check if you need to
know for any reason. A lot of devices are on the market as TENS devices for
Gov Regulatory description purposes but which are not TENS . The only way I
could get the The Hulda Clark Zapper, Bob Beck blood neutralizer type
devices recognised by our medicines control council, controlled by your FDA,
was to describe them as TENS, which they are nowhere near. Semantics but not
truthful. Tens is intrinsically a high voltage device, be very careful with
where you place that. 


I agree with Tony, that's a very good point. TENS units actually numb the
nerve fibers and that's why people don't feel pain-the nerves aren't
functioning properly! Meanwhile, the root cause of the pain is never
addressed. TENS units are the "gold standard" by which other electromedical
devices are obliged to be measured, courtesy of eff-dee-ay. But devices such
as the Tennant Biomodulator use the *same amount* of current that the brain
and nervous system themselves use to REPAIR tissue. Tony, I don't have the
specs of the Biomodulator handy, but you can get them online-or write me
privately for the paperwork and I'll send you a packet. You can read about
the Biomodulator in my essay on electromedicine on my website: 


With the little portable rife machine: I go only to 4.2 or 4.4 volts.





Nenah Sylver, PhD

author, the NEW Rife Handbook (2011)

Holistic Handbook of Sauna Therapy (2004)

VoiceBio and Biomodulator certification <>  ;