Could I investigate this further without sounding argumentative Alan? I have a 
tendency to not have a way with words hence I don't wish this to be taken as a 
debate or argument <g>.
I look at it this way, I may have a food party happening in the stomach and 
everyone is happy and enjoying themselves, then some riffraff gate crash the 
party and start creating an annoyance, i.e. bloating, wind, the runs etc, I 
ingest silver and the party returns to normal, everyone is happy doing their 
own thing.
Food poisoning etc causes diarrhea, hence the party is now totally out of 
control, again ingesting silver will evict that riffraff and the kind hosts 
regain control and the party quietens down.
Diarrhea is usually a sign of unwanted guests is it not?  Hence silver is the 
crowd controller who come in and take control back by evicting the gate 
If too many crowd controllers get involved then some of the party organisers 
will get caught up in the scuffle and will be evicted along with the riffraff 
is my supposition?  Hence as some of the party organisers have now been tossed 
out with the riffraff the party tends to bog down, or "up" in this case, i.e. 
Diarrhea in my mind means things are not as they should be.  Diarrhea is quite 
some steps beyond a normal stomach upset?  To me it means some unwanted guests 
have entered and silver is required to get rid of those unwanted guests, but 
one needs to be careful of how much is used else as I said, some hosts will be 
kicked out along with the unwanted guests, ending up in shutting the party 
down, the friendly flora can't make themselves heard in the melee.
If you could explain further how Diarrhea is 'generally a defence mechanism' 
perhaps I will understand better?  My understanding is, Diarrhea is an "effect" 
and not a "cause", if you get my drift?

Subject: Re: CS>CS and constipation
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 12:31:10 -0700

Diarrhea is generally a defence mechanism of the body to dispel some sort of 
On 2014-10-20, at 03:22 AM, Neville wrote: